
New World Record in TUAERP Set with ScanMed Products

On July 6 of 2018, Prof. Zou Zhihui from First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University successfully performed the first TUAERP (Transurethral Anatomical 

Enucleation and Resection of Prostate) operation for an extralarge Prostate Hyperplasia of 573.7g, which hits a new record in this area. He was using ScanMed 

(SIMAI) Bipolar Plasma Generator (SM10 series) and its customized electrode with longer shovel tip to achieve cutting and coagulation during the surgery.

The patient is 81years old, with height of 180cm and weight of 95Kg. He suffered from dysuria for 30 years. Faced with unpredictable risks in such kind of 

minimal invasive surgery, Prof. Zou Zhihui and his team were fully prepared. ScanMed offered customized longer shovel to support this challenging case. 

The inventor of TUAERP Prof. Liu Chunxiao was involved also before the surgery to make full sets of surgical plan. The operation took 6 hours and whole 

enucleation procedure was completed smoothly and perfectly, without any complications like blooding, TURS, or perforation. The patient was able to eat 

and walk normally 1 day after. 

It welldemonstrated the remarkable operation skills and rich experience of Prof. Zou, and it also indicates China’s contribution in developing new standard 

for prostate endoscopic procedure. Urologists in China is one of the best in leading the worldwide development of TUAERP technology, and suppliers for 

medical equipment in local China are on their way to compete with and surpass global giants.